Thursday, May 14, 2009

I wonder why I've not been writing...

I've grown tired with all of my most recent social experiments. I am sick of always over-thinking, over-reacting and over-doing. I wouldn't hesitate right now to sit back and let someone else do everything for me. Perhaps that is what is in order, first I would surely have to win the lottery or rob a bank.... the choices are endless.
I suppose that this burn out was an obvious outcome, I was rushing around both starting and putting out fires shamelessly, and it took a little time to discover that I was the one responsible for the shitty outcome.
I am growing tired of working at Steak Palace, I don't feel that I am working towards anything there, well anything aside from money to turn around and drink.
There has been countless sleepless nights over the past few months, and I have to remember that it was me who made all of these decisions.
So once again, it's time for some other reinvention. This journey is in desperate need of something fresh.
Stay tuned.

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